Jan 25Liked by Jess Silva

This is such a lovely and loving revelation, as spacious and clear as the heart; and I hesitate to add any limited or limiting thoughts, Dear Friend, but for the frequency of your heart calling to mine.

I wish to affirm that finding and recognising the 'exquisite-loving-expanse' of who and what we are is the one True irrefutable trajectory of our lives; as spacious, long winding, and harrowing as the journey need be. The image of Bison moving into the storm is us, coming into the realm of the senses, the density of this dimension, susceptible to immeasurable pain, delusion, and suffering. Time, space, and ignorance are irrelevant to our mission though, because once we find it, we bring the Light of Recognition into this dimension. Once we find and claim that Self-Other Recognition, we have the capacity to Forgive All, be Free and Lifting up in Gratitude and Joy.

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Jan 25Liked by Jess Silva

I love that Steiner quote... and the bear revelation!!

And it has been up for me too, that reconnecting with my original innocent self is how to pick up the pieces of me where I left myself in order, I hoped, to be acceptable, valuable and loved, to belong, to fit in. I detoured 20+ years ago to be immersed in the cult of another John and the blind adherence to the institution of marriage and family.

I denied my own eyes, my heart, my truth over and over just so I wouldn’t be cast out and alone. And it started with the wound of being rejected by my mother.

But the self betrayal hurts the most and I’m in a process of forgiving myself and earning my own trust back by obeying my heart over my conditioning. I won’t be fooled again.

I love you Jess!

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Jan 25Liked by Jess Silva

I love you Jess !

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