Maya'll escape from his Maya!

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The kingdom within is enough more than the physical body snake skin metamorphosis that we may begin to realize the mind has virtually in sight the dead end sign of mind tool is stripping gears and requires a cosmic ring job to reduce exhaust poisening. Real reps are open for business on that score. Surrendering to the ancient within thingamabob is supposed to be says the Warner Brothers script the only and last game in town. It's a rubic cube bitch and ya have to have been heart busted 104 times before you calmly can see the program for which it stands. There you know the fanciful in fanciful notion is narrcistic's target. Food for the messes. Remember Rush Limbaugh's ditto heads. Rush took one to many handfull's of speed and disappeared to the sound of drumsticks clacking. Another collateral damager, above it all. Vonnegut tried to warn us about reciprical hatred density spreads when allowed to reach the 1984 level of 'hatred is love' and fester in the place where spirit invites us to forgive. Dresden's WW!! firebombing went far beyond tactical, perhaps like Gaza today, Take that you bastards, and that, and that. You really sure you want fire power? Both side arrogance=the seen of the take a look on the dark side. OVER THERE, how many times we gotta see that movie until we learn the soft exits? Then the women: does the free woman look like D.C. Green or Stormy Davis? Just stand there babe with one tit out, it increases donations an average 46%. 'it's impossible to over ride any programming with our own intelligence" Ya, my ya, it came to me in a dream. Thats correct but she will soon,. maybe this epoch even devise a way (maybe without suffering to see the real light. I mean she should be satisfyingly rich enough by now but then zeow maybe we gotta do another 14b laps in this meat grinder. Illusions a tough teach, a tougher understanding and almost impossible to integrate. Maya yourya or over the top bitch.

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Thanks Jess for putting this experience into such beautiful perspective! Maya indeed!

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